An interactive debugging tool for C++ based on dynamic slicing and dicing part I : definition and algorithms

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Winai Wichaipanitch


The main objective of this work was to develop an interactive debugging tool for C++ programs. The tool that was developed is called C++Debug and it uses program slicing and dicing techniques. The design started by including simple statements first and then expanded to pointers, structures, functions, and classes. In order for C++Debug to be more powerful, dynamic slicing rather than static slicing was chosen. The work includes new algorithms that handle Class, Function, and Pointer in C++. The results of this work are reported in two

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How to Cite
Wichaipanitch, W. (2003). An interactive debugging tool for C++ based on dynamic slicing and dicing part I : definition and algorithms. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 3, 52–65. retrieved from
Research Articles


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