The use of municipal solid waste ash and calcium carbide waste as partially replacing cement raw materials for cement product

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Pitisan Krammart
Somnuk Tangtermsirskul


An investigation on using municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash (MSWI) and calcium carbide waste (CCW) as a part of the cement raw materials was performed. Cement raw meals were replaced by 5% and 10% of MSWI and CCW to study properties of the laboratory produced MSWI and CCW cement. Chemical composition, setting times, compressive strength and expansion in sulfate solution of the pastes and expansion in sulfate solution of the pastes and mortars made of MSWI cements and CCW cements were similar to that of the control cement. However, Sio2 content of MSWI cements was higher than that of the control cement, whereas CaO content was slightly delayed when MSWI or CCW were used to replace a part of raw meal in cement production. The longer setting times of these cement pastes were observed due to the lower C3S but higher C2S content than those in the control cement. Compressive strength of CCW cement mortars was close to that of the control cement. However, compressive strength of the mortars produced from MSWI cements was smaller than that of the control cement mortar, especially when the percentage of MSWI in the raw meal was increased.

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How to Cite
Krammart, P., & Tangtermsirskul, S. (2005). The use of municipal solid waste ash and calcium carbide waste as partially replacing cement raw materials for cement product. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 6, 125–133. retrieved from
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