The Modification of 9-DOF Curve Elements to Increase Accuracy in Electric Field Calculation

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นิติพงศ์ ปานกลาง


This paper presents the method of improving result accuracy in electric field calculation. This method '-''as done by modifying the 9-DOF Element in unit normal vector calculation at the three element nodes. The unit normal vector size and element area can reduce the average calculation included the effect of corner angle and area of an element that were connected 10 any node. The result shows that the use of appropriate angle size and element area can reduce the average error from 1.77% to 0.68%, or 62% by percentage.

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How to Cite
ปานกลาง น. . (2005). The Modification of 9-DOF Curve Elements to Increase Accuracy in Electric Field Calculation. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 6, 9–18. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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