Effect of SEBS Copolymers on The Interfacial Strength Between Polystyrene and Low Density Polyethylene

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Chatchai Kunyawut
Julia S. Higgins


The relative interfacial strengths of poly (styreneblock-ethylene!butylene-block-styrene) triblock copolymers (SEBS) modified interfaces of immiscible polymers. polystyrene (PS) and low density polystyrene (LOPE). has been studied using peel test. Specimens were prepared by spin coating thin SEBS triblock copolymer films from solution onto LOPE slab. After spin coating and drying in a vacuum oven at 40 degree Celsius for several days. the LOPE slabs were placed on top of them. forming the "sandwich" arrangement. The 90 degree Celsius peel test arrangement was employed because the PS is stiff at room temperature whereas the LOPE is flexible. For thin copolymer layer (expected to leave the interface unsaturated). the trend in variation of interfacial strength with copolymer molecular weight was observed. However. for thick layers (oversaturating interface) the interfacial strength became in one case too large to separate the layers in the peel test. This may suggest a different mechanism for increasing interfacial strength when at least one of the copolymer blocks is crystallisable. Moreover. The microstructure morphology of the copolymers at the interface is expected to change during annealing time since it was found that the interfacial strength changed with annealing time.

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How to Cite
Kunyawut, C., & Higgins, J. S. . (2006). Effect of SEBS Copolymers on The Interfacial Strength Between Polystyrene and Low Density Polyethylene. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 7, 101–112. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/242287
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