An Analysis of Flood Risk Region in The Wang Basin

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อมเรศ บกสุวรรณ


The objectives of this research are to analyze the frequency and trend of the maximum rainfall in Wang basin with various return periods. These data can be applied to evaluate the risk area in Wang basin. From the gathering of the rainfall data and the analyzing of frequency and trend of maximum rainfall by Gumbel's method, it is found that rainfall is the main cause of flood and landslide, with the return period of 100 years and the circle appears at return period of 2-3 years. The middle area of Wang basin has a chance of flood damage in the high and middle levels while the top and bottom area have a chance of flood damage in the middle and low levels.

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How to Cite
บกสุวรรณ อ. . (2006). An Analysis of Flood Risk Region in The Wang Basin. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 7, 35–39. retrieved from
Research Articles


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