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This paper proposes an application of a friction stir welding to butt-weld an aluminum alloy plate to a low carbon steel plate. The effects of pin rotation speed, position of the pin axis and pin diameters on tensile strength and microstructure of the joint were investigated. The main results are as follow s. Butt joint welding of an aluminum alloy plate was easily and success fully achieved. The maximum tensile strength of the joint was about 86% of that of the aluminum alloy base metal. Many fragments of the steel were scattered in the aluminum alloy matrix and a fracture tended to occur along the interface between the fragment and the aluminum matrix. A small amount of intennetallic compounds was formed at the upper part of the steel/aluminum interface while no intennetallic compounds were observed in the middle and the bottom regions of the interface . A small amount of intennetallic compound was also often formed at the interface between the steel fragments and the aluminum matrix. The region s where the intennetallic compounds formed seemed to be fracture path s in a joint.
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