Effect of Fsw Stirrer Geometries on Tensile Strength of AA6063-T1 and AIS11015 Butt Joint
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This research proposes the effect of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) pin geometries on tensile strength of AA6063-TI aluminum and AIS11050 steel butt joint. The main results obtained are as follows. The joint that produced by various pin geometries gave a different tensile strength and a different sound joint. The maximum tensile strength of 165 MPa or 78% that of aluminum base material could be obtained when a butt joint was produced by a cylinder pin, a welding speed of 100 mm/min. and a rotation speed of 500 rpm. This result was due to a cylinder pin produced a larger friction area between a butt surface of steel and a pin surface. The increase of a friction area affected directly to increase the activated surface that was important factor in a bonding mechanism between aluminum and steel. Furthermore, a defect dimension at the joint bottom that was nearly the pin end of an advancing side was decreased when the welding speed increased and affected to increase the tensile strength of the joint.
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บรรเจิด คอนเนตรงาม และสมนึก วัฒนศรียกุล"การเปรีบเทียบกระบวนการเชื่อมเสียดทานหมุนกวนอลูมิเนียมเจือ AA6063-T6 ระหว่างสลักแกนหมุนทรงกระบอกหัวตัดตรงกับหัวโค้ง ,การประชุมข่ายงานวิศวกรรมอุตสาหการ 24-26
ตุลาคม 2550. ภูเก็ต.: แผ่นซีดีรอม
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