Mini-Linux Cluster for High-Voltage Electric Field Simulation: Electric Field Anglw
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This paper presents the application of mini-Linux cluster for electric field analysis that has been developed in high voltage laboratory. The developed mini-Linux cluster is a close system type. The FLOPS and MIPS of Linux cluster are 1,075 Mflops and 2,235 MIPS, respectively. The application problem is an electric field analysis of dielectric particles in high voltage switchgear. The simulation is observed the affect of the particles movement. The results are shown that the decrease of the distance among dielectric particles affected to an increase of electric field intensity. The distance among dielectric particles is 1.0 mm, the electric field intensity at point P equals to 1.63kV/mm. when the distance among dielectric particles is deceased from 1.0 mm to 0.5 mm and 0.25 mm which caused the value increase of the electric field intensity at point P form 1.63 kV/mm to 2.2l kV1m111 and 2.96kV/mm, respectively. Therefore, the electric field increasing has lead to partial discharge phenomena and reduced the ageing of insulators.
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