The Want of Peoples of Water Transportation in Klong-Rangsit: Klong1-Klong7

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ศุภกร ศิรพจนกุล
อมเรศ บกสุวรรณ
ประชุม คำพุฒ


This research is purpose to study the people's want for traveling by boats in Klong-Rangsit: from Klong1 to Klong 7. By using the questionnaire period from June-August 2006, we survey the opinion of the three groups of people such as public transportation users, private cars users and general people. From the results, it is found that the most people are in group of working people and students using the private cars and public transportation. Moreover 80% of the people want to have boat transportation in Klong-Rangsit for an alternative choice. The route should be divided into two parts and must have the mass transportation in each village for supporting the people to the pier with efficiency. In addition, the route should be extended in to mouth of Chaopraya River for linking with express boat of Chaopraya.

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How to Cite
ศิรพจนกุล ศ. ., บกสุวรรณ อ. ., & คำพุฒ ป. . (2007). The Want of Peoples of Water Transportation in Klong-Rangsit: Klong1-Klong7. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 9, 39–49. retrieved from
Research Articles


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