A construction and Efficiency Evaluation of Air Dryer by Refrigeration
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The objective of this research was to construct and efficiency evaluate of air dryer by refrigeration. In experiment and gathering data, there were three methods: the experiment to evaluate the amount of water extracted from the air supply, the coefficient of performance (COP) and the dryness efficiency. The conditions of this research include ambient temperature 30°C, RH 90%, cooling temperature of system 18°C, 2 hours
for data collection and 3 speed levels of air or fan involving 0.6 m/s, 0.8 m/s and1.2 m/s. The results showed that at fan speed 0.6 m/s water could be extracted from supply air very well. The average volume was 297 cm) and the maximum volume was 600 cm). The dryness efficiency was 35.86% by average and 44.32 % was the maximum value. The maximum value of COP occurred at fan speed 0.8 m/s. In this condition average value of COP was 5.11 while the maximum value of COP was 5.98.
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