Effects of Binary and Ternary Binder Systems of Mortar with Fly Ash, Limestone Powder, and Expansive Additive on Chloride Resistance

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Taweechai Sumranwanich
Lyna Prak


This paper aims to study the effect of binary and ternary binder system in mortars on chloride resistance. The study used fly ash (FA), limestone powder (LP), and expansive additive (EA) as partial cement replacement materials in mortars. Ordinary Portland cement type I was used as the main binder. Water-to-binder ratios were kept at 0.40 and 0.50. The FA and LP partially replaced the binder at percentages ranging from 5% to 30%, and EA partially replaced the binder at 10%. The chloride resistances of binary and ternary binder mortars were investigated. Rapid chloride penetration, rapid chloride migration and bulk chloride diffusion of mortars were tested. The study showed that the use of FA as a supplementary material of binder in mortar (binary binder system) can reduce the charge passed, chloride penetration depth, and chloride diffusion coefficient of the mortar under chloride ingress. The binary binder mortar with FA exhibited the highest chloride resistance. Furthermore, the mortar with FA and LP (ternary binder system) at appropriate proportions displayed good chloride resistance results.

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How to Cite
Sumranwanich, T., & Prak, L. . (2021). Effects of Binary and Ternary Binder Systems of Mortar with Fly Ash, Limestone Powder, and Expansive Additive on Chloride Resistance. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 19(1), 79–89. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/242213
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