The developing of hot-stamping controller

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ธนะพงศ์ นพวงศ์ ณ อยุธยา


This paper presents a developing of the Hot-stamping machine controller. The existing system thatemployed the manual parameters setting is replaced to the automatic controller using digital system. Thesetting parameters and the operating temperature are expressed on the LCD display. The air pressure of 3-4bars is applied to control the printing head for the letter size of 2 mm at temperature range of 100-150'C. Asthe results of running the machine, it is found that the machine has a printing rate about 12 pieces per minuteand maximum of 99 pieces for continue printing. For the printing quality, it is found that the Clear and Vinylsticker provide better quality than printing paper ,{4.

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How to Cite
นพวงศ์ ณ อยุธยา ธ. . (2008). The developing of hot-stamping controller. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 12, 1–8. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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