An Analysis of the Designed Structure of a CNC High-Speed Milling Machine

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สมศักดิ์ แก่นทอง


This research aims to study and design the structure of a CNC high-speed milling machine The requirements and general specifications of the machine are considered in order to design main parts of the machine such as base, column, saddle, spindle head and table. The individual part is designed to accommodate the driven system and controller of the machine by using Computer Aided Design (CAD). All designed parts are analyzed by using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) ,in order to check the part deformation and strength. After that, the prototype machine is built and tested. The test results show that the prototype machine can operate as well as a commercial CNC high-speed machine. The quality of machined part is satisfied with high accuracy. Moreover, the result of efficiency test according to ISO 1984 standard shows that the deviation at all check points are within the acceptable range.

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How to Cite
แก่นทอง ส. . (2009). An Analysis of the Designed Structure of a CNC High-Speed Milling Machine. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 7, 33–39. retrieved from
Research Articles


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