Radon Gas in Buildings and Construction Materials
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Nowadays, many countries have significantly focused on building air quality because it can impact human health, comfort, well-being, and productivity of building occupants. Radon gas (Rn-222) is a radioactive, colourless, and tasteless noble gas. It is considered to be a health hazard, for example, lung cancer in human. It is produced during the disintegration of uranium and radium, which are dispersed throughout the earth's crust. Source of radon gas can be divided into 4 major sources including uranium in soil, water, construction materials bowels, and natural gas. Radon gas can seep into the building through cracks and holes. In addition, it gets indoor through the use of natural gas, water and construction materials. Indoor radon contribution can be released by adequate air exchange designed building. The sealing radon entry route is the direct method for radon permeability protection. The most important source of the radon is the soil in the ground. Thus the way to protect radon diffusion into the building is using plastic or special rubber sheet protection. The other way to avoid radon gas is using low radon exhalation building materials.
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