Chracterization of an Anaerobic Baffled- Fixed Film Reactor (ABFFR) in Treating and Producing Biogas From Palm oil mill Effluent

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วาศนศักดิ์ ลิ้มควรสุวรรณ
ชินพงศ์ วังใน
ภาวิณี ชัยประเสริฐ


The anaerobic baffled-fixed film reactor (ABFFR) in this study was designed for enhancing the biodegradation ofhigh organic matter and suspended solid (SS) in palm oil mill effluent (POME). An ABFFR was developed by a baffledprocess combined with plastic nets fitted inside the last fourth compartment of reactor. POME containing high concentrationof CoD (65,120 + 1,000 mg L'') and SS (21,060+ 550 mg L-') was semi-continuously upflow fed at 1.2 L d'r. During theoperation, the overall performance of ABFFR in term of COD and SS removal were 90yo and 80%, respectively withmethane production of 6.9 L d-'.The perfonnance characteristics of the first to third baffle compartment act as hydrolysis andfermentation chamber by hydrolyzing cellulose at68,22 and,g.SYo,respectively. pH was in acidic range of 4.5 - 5.0. Volatilefatty acid was found approximately 8-9 g L-' which acetate was major found and followed by butyrate and propionate inthree compartments. The fourth compartment acts as methanogenic chamber with pH of 7.7 and less volatile fatty acidsaccumulation. High biogas and methane production was found. Biogas and methane yield were 0.37 - 0.52 and,0.26 - 0.37m3 kg-t soluble COD removed, respectively

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ลิ้มควรสุวรรณ ว. ., วังใน ช. ., & ชัยประเสริฐ ภ. . (2010). Chracterization of an Anaerobic Baffled- Fixed Film Reactor (ABFFR) in Treating and Producing Biogas From Palm oil mill Effluent. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 1, 49–59. retrieved from
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