Analysis of Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices in Radial Distribution Systems by Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method

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จักรินทร์ วิเศษยา
กฤษณ์ชนม์ ภูมิกิตติพิชญ์


This paper proposes the analysis of optimal allocation analysis of FACTS devices using particle swarm optimization method (PSO). FACTS device is the compensation device that can inject the real and active power into the power system in order to improve the voltage stability and power system reliability. The analysis uses the IEEE 33 buses radial distribution system (RDS) for testing system. The total real and reactive power is 3.72 MW and 2.3 MVar, respectively and uses Base MVA is 10 MVA and Base kV is 12.66 kV. The original real and reactive power loss is 221.4346 kW and 150.1784 RVar, respectively. The load flow analysis on distribution use backward-forward sweep methodology and optimization technique by using PSO method. The simulation results show that the original voltage at bus I is 0.98 p.u.. The weak bus is occurred at bus 33 0.881317 p.u.. After used the optimization technique, the size of SVC and STATCOM with 2.4431 MVA and 2.4939 MVA, respectively, The power loss is the installed at bus 12 decreased and the voltage bus is increased. The comparison between SVC and STATCOM installation, SVC have aspect appropriate more installed STATCOM. Aspect weak decreased real and reactive power loss 27.54% and 43.17%. STATCOM decreased real and reactive power loss to 27.12% and 41.60%. This paper results show solve the voltage stability of power system after installed SVC and STATCOM. The guideline to support the development of energy technology in the future.

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วิเศษยา จ. ., & ภูมิกิตติพิชญ์ ก. . (2011). Analysis of Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices in Radial Distribution Systems by Using Particle Swarm Optimization Method. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 1, 63–76. retrieved from
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