The Study of Ergonomics for Improvement in Production of Palmyra palm Sugar A Cast Study: Housewife group in Snamchai Sub-Dis

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วีรชัย มัฎฐารักษ์
เดช เหมือนขาว
ยงยุทธ ดุลยกุล


From the basic study in step of production of sugar from palmyra palm by mean of a case study for housewife group in Snamchai Sub-District, Stingpra District, Songkhla Province was found health problem at work. body ache, and injured from work. Ergonomics is the study of the interaction. between people and machines I including the environment where the people are working. Learning human capabilities and limitations are useful for improvement in quality of life


 the risk of the agriculture worker. RULA and REBA techniques were used in monitoring and assessment of ergonomics in the production of sugar from palmyra the conclusion were used as guidance to improve of ergonomics problem. This process, was considered to be likely to have problems of ergonomics. Analysis by means of RULA technique showed that the mean score of the workers was 6 which indicated that working ergonomic must be improved immediately. The results were focused with the analysis by means of REBA technique which found the mean score was 9 indicating high degree of risk. The results of this study could provide guidance in the engineering design to improve working efficiency and to minimize health problems of the agriculturist. Base on the results obtain from the study suggestion was purposed for minimizing ergonomic problem by using machine with the beginning of engineering design of palmyra palm sugar agitatin machine.

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How to Cite
มัฎฐารักษ์ ว. ., เหมือนขาว เ. ., & ดุลยกุล ย. . (2012). The Study of Ergonomics for Improvement in Production of Palmyra palm Sugar A Cast Study: Housewife group in Snamchai Sub-Dis. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 1, 49–58. retrieved from
Research Articles


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