Study of the Thermal Insulation Material Properties with Plywood Inserted Honeycomb Sandwich Panels by Finite Element-Simulation

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อำนวย เรืองวารี
ศิริชัย ต่อสกุล
วารุณี เปรมานนท์


This research had been studied the application of honeycomb sandwich panels by inserting plywood for use as a substitute other building materials. The inserting plywood of the honeycomb sandwich panels was selected from among local stores which are chines plywood, teak plywood, and rubber plywood. The analysis of honeycomb sandwich material had been simulated through finite element simulation in order to test for its heat transfer of each sandwich. The finite element simulation results it could be concluded that sandwich panel materials inserting with plywood could. all reduce heat conduction. All three kinds of plywood have very close heat conduction rates. Nevertheless, the results from finite element simulation in chines plywood had shown that it had the best thermal insulation rate whilst teak plywood and rubber plywood came in second and third respectively. Each material has 0.1 degree Celsius difference in temperature.

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How to Cite
เรืองวารี อ. ., ต่อสกุล ศ. ., & เปรมานนท์ ว. . (2012). Study of the Thermal Insulation Material Properties with Plywood Inserted Honeycomb Sandwich Panels by Finite Element-Simulation. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 49–54. retrieved from
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