A Comparative Study of Pipe Jacking Technicquesof theProvincial Waterworks Authority

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ศราวุฒิ ก๋องใจ
ถาวร ธีรเวชญาณ
กองกูณฑ์ โตชัยวัฒน์


Because of the traffic problem and physical conditions of the high population zones in some provinces, pipe jacking techniques are adopted by the Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA) in order to mitigate the problems caused by the waterwork projects in the congested areas. This research studied and compared three types of pipe jacking construction projects, i.e. l)steel pipe with concrete sleeve pipe 2)Steel Concentric Double Cylinder Pipe, and 3)reinforced concrete pressure pipe. Data of the pipe jacking construction time, cost, and the problems in the jacking activities of each technique are summarized.

The result of the research showed that reinforced concrete pressure pipe could be installed with the shortest construction time because of its non-welding connections. The inner connections of concrete sleeves were done by the push-on connectors. The cost of construction of the Steel Concentric Double Cylinder Pipe (SCP) is minimal because there are fewer construction steps. Concerning on the efficiency of installation, reinforced concrete pressure pipe is the best one, because it could be installed accurately and is suitable to install in a curve path. This research is very useful for PWA in selecting the right jacking technique for a job.

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How to Cite
ก๋องใจ ศ. ., ธีรเวชญาณ ถ. ., & โตชัยวัฒน์ ก. . (2012). A Comparative Study of Pipe Jacking Technicquesof theProvincial Waterworks Authority. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 39–47. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/242120
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