Analysis of energy consumption in residential houses in Thailand

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บุญยัง ปลั่งกลาง
พร้อมศักดิ์ อภิรติกุล
สมชัย หิรัญวโรดม


Development of a country causes the growth of economics and high electrical power consumption. Most people can directly connect to electricity. Observing energy consumption behavior in residential houses can be analyzed to find energy consumption load demand, the analysis of load demand can carry out a problem, which might happen in the future. The trend of energy consumption in household is considered in order to find an appropriated conservation method to save energy. This paper presents analysis of energy consumption in resident house in Thailand. The monitored data were recorded about 313 resident houses. The analysis shows that the behavior of energy consumption is different depending on season and day. The peak load is in the evening when people come back from work. This can help the utility to manage and provide appropriate energy generation for the household.

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How to Cite
ปลั่งกลาง บ. ., อภิรติกุล พ. ., & หิรัญวโรดม ส. . (2012). Analysis of energy consumption in residential houses in Thailand. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 33–37. retrieved from
Research Articles


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