Development of Bread with White kidney bean Product by Apply of Design of Experiments

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วิลาสินี มีมุข
ระพี กาญจนะ
อรวัลภ์ อุปถัมภานนท์


The objeclive of this research is to apply the design of experiments (DOE) technique in order lo tind the optimal proportion of white kidney bean flour 10 substitute wheat flour in bread production. The research methodology firstly begins with literature reviews the basic formulation of bread production, it indicates that the suitable proportion of white kidney bean flour lo substilute wheat flour range from ofy to 50% according to the maximum acceptable customer satisfactions. Secondly, improving the quality of bread with kidney bean product is done by adjusting the quantity of water. From the experimental testing, using water 81.82 g. given the Water Activity (A ) value as equivalent to the A of bread produced by basic formula and the hardness decreased from 42.27 N to 30.27 N. leading io the bread's texture become softer. Next, the preference lesting by hedonic scale 9-poim were conducted with 100 samples to find the optimal proportion with 10^, 20%, 30% and 40% of white kidney bean flour to substitute wheat flour into the basic formula bread produciion. The result showed that the bread with 3096 white kidney bean flour is the maximum acceptable customer satisfactions. Eighty-two percent of respondents are interested to buy this product and as a resuit of providing the information of white kidney bean nutrition the customer acceptance level increased to 100 percent. The infonnation of white kidney bean nutrition has si percent and 19 percent impact to a person who diet and control weight and a person who interests an innovation healthy food product, respectively.

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How to Cite
มีมุข ว. ., กาญจนะ ร. ., & อุปถัมภานนท์ อ. . (2012). Development of Bread with White kidney bean Product by Apply of Design of Experiments. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 13–21. retrieved from
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