A study of the thickness on the natural frequency in the free vibration of clamped - clamped steel plate

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จิรวัฒน์ วรุณโรจน์


This research studies and analyzes the free vibration of clamped - clamped steel plate. Material property of the model was a carbon steel. The thickness of 1-meter width by 1-meter length plate was varied from 1 millimeter to 50 millimeters. The comparison between theoretical calculations and finite element were discussed for analysis of vibration natural frequency. The result found that the thickness of steel plate affected the vibration natural frequency. The vibration natural frequency from finite element method was approximately 896 larger than that from theoretical calculations. The number of elements influenced the vibration natural frequency and tolerances.

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วรุณโรจน์ จ. . (2013). A study of the thickness on the natural frequency in the free vibration of clamped - clamped steel plate. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 1, 61–67. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/242092
Research Articles


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