Defect reduction from brake pads product ion by using DMAIC method

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วลัยพร เหมโส
ระพี กาญจนะ


This research aims to reduce the amount of defects generated within the process of brake pad production by using DMAIC method stage of Six Sigma. According to the case study company's target, the amount of defects caused by pad crack problem should be decreased by 30%. The cure pressing process of disc brake pad model X068 production is selected for this study. In order to accuracy and precision measurement system, the specification of disc brake pad is controlled with the compression value ranging from 50 - I00 micron. The research methodology consists of 5 steps: ( 1) Define phase, the process capability index of disc brake pad production is evaluated, (2) Measure phase, the root causes of problem are determined. (3) Analysis phase, each one factor is analyzed. (4) Improve phase, the design of experiments (DOE) with 2[subscript k]

Full Factorial is used to investigate the relationship and the optimal value of each factor. and (5) Control phase. the statistical process control (SPC) is applied to control the process. After improvement by implementing the DMAIC method. it found that the scrap rate is reduced from 60.37%(40.46 1 PPM) to 39 .R7%( 17,090 PPM) of al l defect rate or about 17,090 PPM. Thus, with this improvement the amount of defects can be reduced by 36.75% of company policy.

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How to Cite
เหมโส ว. ., & กาญจนะ ร. . (2013). Defect reduction from brake pads product ion by using DMAIC method. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 33–46. retrieved from
Research Articles


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