Problems and Solution Guidance of Environment in Construction Site
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The objective of this research was aimed to examine performance behavior on the construction site, where the inappropriate environment may result from the demolishment to land fill stage, and to identify what problems and what the underlying causes of the problems are, using the environmental management standard and related requirements as facilitator to analyze the issues, and to investigate the solutions for such problems properly for more effective implementation. In present study, the sample included workers on the construction site small to medium labor camps. The questionnaires were instrumental to gather data from the workers in Bangkok territory and its vicinity. A total of 200 participants included workers in the construction site, contractors, foremen, supervisors, engineers, architect, and project owners. The results were summarized into four areas as follows.
(1) A comprehension of construction setting
(2) Cognitive orientation of standard
(3) Behavior causing the inappropriate environment
(4) An implementation of the environmental standard
The results showed that the environment may have affected the construction site, consistent with the hypothesis stipulated. As the proper land preparation relating to the construction should be executed from the initial phase Most respondents focused on demolishment management and land fill preparation primarily, followed by space allocation for storage or disposal of the waste, which has been problematic facing the construction site, the environmental standard has
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