The development of a semi-automatic extrusion machine for producing the plant pots from coffee grounds

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ชาคริต ศรีทอง


This research aimed to fulfill the needs of Farm Women Group Association Klongluang (Klong2). The first step was to convert the needs of users to be the requirements in constructing semi-automatic extrusion machine. These requirements were indicated; 1) machine could produce two flowerpots at once. 2) extrusion time could be started from 0.1 second upward. 3) extrusion force was between 50 – 50,000 pounds/inch2. 4) the machine provided the safety system by applying the safety engineering method. These were using two hands simultaneously in controlling the machine and providing the emergency button. 5) production rate was average 4 flowerpots per 1 minute. Next step, performance testing of this semi-automatic extrusion machine was tested with Design of Experiment technique (DOE). This testing consisted of two main issues which were the degradability in soil and water. Three testing factors were identified; weight of coffee grounds, chemical bond, and extrusion force. As a result, it showed that the most effective factor of production was 155 grams of coffee grounds, 55 grams of chemical bond, and 1,500 pounds per inch2 of extrusion force. It could degraded in soil about 44 days and degrade in water about 24 days. This period had no effect with the growth of plants.

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How to Cite
ศรีทอง ช. . (2015). The development of a semi-automatic extrusion machine for producing the plant pots from coffee grounds. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 1, 13–23. retrieved from
Research Articles


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