The Risk of Carbonation Induced Corrosion of Pedestrian Bridge Structuresin Community Area Nakhonpathom Province
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Thisstudy estimates therisk of carbonation induced corrosionofpedestrian bridge structuresincommunity area at NakhonpathomProvince. Cover thickness, carbon dioxide and humidity of the environment and carbonation depth of pedestrian 15 bridge structureswere measured and analyzedby usingstatisticalmethodsto find the relationship betweenriskofcorrosioncausedbycarbonationandageofthestructures.It was foundthat with equivalent age and materials,theriskofcarbonation induced corrosionofpedestrian bridge structuresincommunity area Nakhonpathomprovince was higher than that of the pedestrian bridge structures in the suburb area. Finally, therisk of carbonation induced corrosion of each pedestrian bridgestructures at different ages was estimated.
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