The Operrational Effectiveness Improvement of Fryer Machine by Preventive Maintenance: A Case Study of Delicatessen Manufacturing Factory

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อุเทน เฉลยโฉม
สุรัตน์ ตรัยวนพงศ์
ระพี กาญจนะ


   This research aimed to increase output of cooked chicken products because the current average capacity was   85,427 kilogram per month, equal to 71.2%, had below 120,000 kilogram per month as the company’s objective. From initial analysis, it found that the fryer machine is a main problem which had a lower performance with the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) at 60.73%.

                    The research methodology began with collecting data and analyzing the root cause of breakdown problem of fryer machine. Pareto principle was consequently applied to prioritize the problem and then why-why analysis was also used to root cause of the problem. The preventive maintenance technique was implemented to improve the machine performance and finally, the fryer machine availability and the OEE were analyzed and evaluated.

                After improvement by preventive maintenance technique, the result showed that the performance and availability of fryer machine were both increased 1.6% due to the fact that the OEE was also increased 32.13%.  As a result of improving the fryer machine performance, the output of cooked chicken products increased to 39,038 kilogram per month or 31.30% improvement which was able to achieve the company’s objective.

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How to Cite
เฉลยโฉม อ. ., ตรัยวนพงศ์ ส. ., & กาญจนะ ร. . (2015). The Operrational Effectiveness Improvement of Fryer Machine by Preventive Maintenance: A Case Study of Delicatessen Manufacturing Factory. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 21–33. retrieved from
Research Articles


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