Optimum Conditions of Preparation for the Process of Germinated Hom Nin Organic Brown Rice Product in Retort Pouch

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สุนัน ปานสาคร
จตุรงค์ ลังกาพินธุ์


The optimum conditions in preparation of germinated Hom Nin organic brown rice product in retort pouch were determined. Changes in physicochemical properties consisting of color values (L*, a*, b*), moisture content, hardness, and GABA content of both brown rice and germinated brown rice were measured and evaluated. Germinated brown rice was soaked in water at 45±1ºC for 2 hr, 3 hr, and 4 hr, and was subjected to sterilization process at 121ºC for 30 min. Results indicated that moisture content and GABA content in germinated rice increased 10 times higher than the regular one, while soaking time did not significantly affect the grain colors (L*, a*, b*). After sterilizing of germinated soaked (2-4 hr) brown rice, the findings revealed that soaking at longer period resulted in the increment of L* values, a* values and moisture content. On the contrary, the decrease of b* values and hardness were observed. In addition, the combination of long-period soaking and sterilization was found to decrease the GABA content in germinated Hom Nin organic brown rice.

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How to Cite
ปานสาคร ส. ., & ลังกาพินธุ์ จ. . (2016). Optimum Conditions of Preparation for the Process of Germinated Hom Nin Organic Brown Rice Product in Retort Pouch. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 14(1), 65–75. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/242033
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