Effect of High Free Lime Content in Fly Ash on Cementitious Properties and Autogenous and Drying Shrinkages of Fly Ash Mixtures
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This paper aims to study the effect of high free lime content in fly ash on the cementitious properties and autogenous and drying shrinkages of fly ash mortars. Three original fly ashes with different free lime content were used. The addition of free lime powder to those original fly ashes was applied for making 5% and 10% of free lime contents. The replacement ratios of fly ash in ordinary Portland cement (OPC) were 20% and 40%. The cementitious properties, autogenous shrinkages of mortar and drying shrinkage of mortar were studied. The study found that pastes with high free lime content of fly ash results in higher normal consistency, earlier setting time and higher compressive strength at early age. Moreover, the autogenous and drying shrinkages of fly ash mortars for both high and low free lime contents are lower than those of OPC mortar. The additions of free lime in fly ash without exceeding 5% content do not affect the autogenous and drying shrinkages of mortars.
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ปริญญา จินดาประเสริฐ และ ชัย จาตุรพิทักษ์กุล, 2555. ปูนซีเมนต์ ปอซโซลาน และคอนกรีต. 1500. 7.