Waste Reduction in Induction Hardening Process : A Case Study
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This research aimed to study the loss reduction in the induction hardening process which was a crucial problem affecting the company’s operation. It was From the date taken from the Example Company, it showed that there was an average loss of 1,459 pieces per month in the induction hardening process of the intermediate shaft production. In addition, the average loss in the induction process was 1,171 pieces per month. In order to address this problem, the jig fixture design was used as an intervention tool to turn the intermediate shaft production during the induction process. Likewise, the tool was also designed to lessen the defects of intermediate shafts, which eventually reduced loss in the induction hardening process. It revealed that the jig fixture design helped reduce the loss in the induction process from 1,171 pieces per month (0.51% of all intermediate shaft production) to 108 pieces per month (0.6%). Moreover, the specific loss in the induction hardening process was decreased from 1,459 pieces per month (0.63%) to 284 pieces per month (0.17%) which indicated that the loss was reduced by 73%
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