Construction Simulation 3D of Tight-Fitting Sportswear to Evaluate Tension Distribution of Elastic Fabric

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Nareerut Jariyapunya
Jantana Sutdaen


Elastic fabrics are considered to be of high importance to produce sportswear garment for comfortable properties and body fitting to human body. Fabric elasticity is an important parameter, which plays a key role particularly when constructing patterns for tight-fitting clothing, in respect of changing pattern-piece size, resp. adapting the garment to the contours of a body in motion. The purpose of this research is to design 3D pattern construction with stretch fabric for women of aerobic sportswear using OptiTex software to represent the tension properties of fabric generated on the surface of the simulation model. Moreover, the study on mechanical properties of elastic fabric by FAST system and its result have illustrated that OptiTex could be used to simulate the tension map options so as to inspect its colored map depicting amounts of tension between clothing and model. It is certainly obvious that tension map area could be adjusted in accordance to the pattern design suitable for tight-fitting clothing wearing. Moreover, the outcomes of stretch fabrics could be compared with the influence of extensibility between warp and weft directions. 

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Jariyapunya, N. ., & Sutdaen, J. . (2012). Construction Simulation 3D of Tight-Fitting Sportswear to Evaluate Tension Distribution of Elastic Fabric. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 15(2), 69–76. retrieved from
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