Design and development of Shallot frying machine

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จงกล สุภารัตน์
ชวลิต อินปัญโญ
ศิริชัย ต่อสกุล


Shallots frying machine is designed and built for the purpose of developing and studying process in frying shallot in order to ensure a good quality, convenience, and reduce workforce and cost in producing fried shallots. The machine will be used in small to medium enterprise and transform shallots in order to sell them. Prototype of the machine comprises a machine frame, an oil pot with 400 mm in diameter and 200 mm in depth, a deep fry sieve with 380 mm in diameter and 150 mm in depth. The sieve hole is 2 mm wide the stirring blade has 200 mm radius. It uses 25 W motor as a driving force and a 2.8 kW heater to generate heat. The machine works by first pouring oil into the pot and setting heater temperature. When the oil is hot at the setting temperature the shallots are poured into the oil. After that, stirring blade will start stirring the shallots. Then the cooked shallots are transfered from sieve to oil draining sieve.  The experiment shows that the prototype machine can work best when temperature of the oil is at 70 °C with the blade rotating rate of 45 rpm. The machine can fry up to 3 kg of shallot within 28.4 min. the reused oil could be done up to 6 times while maintaining polar substances at 25% or less Therefore yielding fried shallots with good quality and safe to consumers is obtained.

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สุภารัตน์ จ. ., อินปัญโญ ช. ., & ต่อสกุล ศ. . (2017). Design and development of Shallot frying machine. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 15(2), 51–57. retrieved from
Research Articles


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