The production of malt high anthocyanin powder from rice berry

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สุนัน ปานสาคร
จตุรงค์ ลังกาพินธุ์
ปริยากร แจ่มพึ่ง
ช่อผกา ศรีมาศ


The objective of this study was to produce of malt high anthocyanin powder from rice berry. Firstly to determine the effect of germinating on changes in physicochemical properties of rice berry malt. The results showed that rough rice were steeped in water at 35±2oC for 12 and 24 hr combined with incubated at same temperature for 24 and 36 hr indicated high remaining anthocyanin content 7-9 mg/g dry weight. Including, color value (L*, a*, b*) seems to have a slight but non-significant (P>0.05). Secondary to evaluated conditions of the stages of steaming, roasting and drying on the qualities of malt products with a means of modifying the flavor and color of their final product. The results showed that malt product was significantly highest level (P£0.05) of anthocyanin at condition of steaming temperature 120oC in 10 minutes and drying to final moisture content 9-10%wb, but seems to be reducing when longer steaming time for 20 minutes. In addition, the roasting of malt products at temperature 120oC for 10-20 minutes and drying presented increasing of anthocyanin content compared to those of original rice berry. Finally to evaluated the qualities of malt powder from rice berry. The resulted showed that malt powder from rice berry high remained of anthocyanin quantity and good evaluation of dried malt.

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ปานสาคร ส. ., ลังกาพินธุ์ . จ. ., แจ่มพึ่ง ป. ., & ศรีมาศ ช. . (2017). The production of malt high anthocyanin powder from rice berry. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 15(2), 41–50. retrieved from
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