Design and development of prototype machine for peeling shallots for small to medium enterprises
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Shallots peeling machine is designed and developed to reduce time, workforce, and irritation to eyes and skin of workers. It is used in small to medium enterprises that process shallots for sale. Prototype machine includes frame, peeling tank, polishing disc, force driving set and controlling system. Electrical Motor with 0.5 horse power serves as driving force. The machine works by using internal rotation of wired sieve to polish and remove outer skin of shallots. The test revealed that the machine is efficient enough to peel the shallots an a the peeling efficiency was 75.08 % with rotational disc spinning at 70 rpm. At the feed rate of 3 kg of shallots per time. it can peel 52 kg/day of shallots. In term of economy, the prototype is an interesting alternative for investment in small to medium enterprise.
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