Study of Organic Waste Composting with Aeration and Use of Crude Enzyme

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Thaneeya Rangseesuriyachai
Kullaya Saricheewin


The study of organic waste composting with aeration and by adding crude enzyme powder from Trichoderma reesei and mixed-type between Trichoderma reesei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae was conducted to compare the characteristics of compost using 24 hours operated and periodically every 6 hours operated aerator combined with the different amounts of crude enzyme. The results showed that the temperature during the experimental process is in the range of 28-41 °C which is usually called mesophilic phase. The moisture content ranged between 47-90% of which the higher humidity occurred at the beginning caused the slow process of fermentation. At the end of the experiment, pH was found in the range of 8-9 and phosphorus contained in the compost was in the range between 0.66 to 1.05%. The characteristics of the fertilizer nutrients N, P, K, in almost compost crates met the requirements nutrients for standard compost. Carbon to Nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) of crate no.1 (24 hrs. operated aerator with 180g Trichoderma reesei added) is the only crate that met the standard composting with C/N of 20:1. The C/N ratio of crates no.2-8 were approximately 30:1.  By considering the aeration patterns, the 24 hrs. operated aerator was considered the best condition for this study and a crate no.1 (24 hrs. operated aerator with 180g Trichoderma reesei added) demonstrated the best results to satisfy the standard compost.

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How to Cite
Rangseesuriyachai, T. ., & Saricheewin, K. . (2018). Study of Organic Waste Composting with Aeration and Use of Crude Enzyme. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 16(2), 1–12. retrieved from
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