Effect of Temperature on Soaking and Drying on Quality of Parboiled Hom-nin Rice
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The objective of research was to investigate the effect of temperature (30, 40oC) on the immersion process of rice in water and temperature (40, 80oC) in the drying step to the quality of parboiled Hom-nin rice. Color values (L*,a*,b*), total color difference (DE*), moisture content and the amount of anthocyanin were investigated. The results showed that no statistically significant differences (P>0.05) in color value (L*,a*,b*) of the Hom-nin rice kernel before and after the production of parboiled rice. However, find out the total color difference reduction trend when increasing the temperature of the soaked rice seed from 30oC to 40oC at 4 hr and drying of parboiled Hom-nin rice with temperature 40oC and 80oC. By the dehumidification of parboiled Hom-nin rice kernel was show the moisture content value between 11.33-13.57%wb. and water activity (aw) between 0.5-0.6. It is suitable for dry food products as it extends the shelf life. In addition, when detecting the amount of anthocyanin of Hom-nin rice was presented 5.11 mg/g dry weight. But, after rice is soaked in water and drying at higher temperatures from parboiling process found that the amount of anthocyanin just left between 3.03-4.33 mg/g dry weight. However, the production process of parboiled rice is to improve rice quality and it can be stored longer than the storage in the form of brown rice.
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