Study and Testing of Lotus Seeds Sizing Unit
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The lotus seeds sizing unit was fabricated to study and testing of factors affecting the grading of lotus seeds for designing the lotus seeds sizing machine. The testing unit consists of the main frame, the seeds sizing unit, the hopper, the power transmission unit, and a 1 hp electric motor, which was used as a prime mover. In the operation, the lotus seeds were fed manually into feeding chute at the top of the machine, then these were falls through the seed sizing unit, met a set of 3 flat sieves that serves to grading in 3 sizes, then after sizing the seeds were released through outlet chute at in front of the machine. The prototype has been tested for 3 sizes of feeding, and at the cam shaft speed of 115, 125 and 135 rpm, respectively indicated that the optimal performance was achieved when the machine was operated at cam shaft speed 115 rpm, using medium size of feeding (5x5 cm2). The working capacity was 118.5 kg/hour, percentage of grading was found to be 89.8% with no percentage of damaged seeds. It consumed 0.61 kW-hour of energy.
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