Development of Interlocking Concrete Paving Block Product Mixed with Colored Polyethylene Terephthalate Plastic Bottle from Post-Consumer Waste
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This research aims to develop the interlocking concrete paving block product mixed with colored polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottle from post-consumer waste. The mix ratios were designed by using the ratio of Portland cement type1: aggregates (fine sand, and quarry dust) that equal to 1: 3 by weight. And the colored PET plastic bottle (bottle cap, bottle, and label) was used instead of the aggregates in 5 % of aggregate weight per ratio which the 20% of replacement was the maximum replacement ratio. The 5 mix ratios of Portland cement type1: aggregates: colored PET plastic bottle included 1: 3: 0, 1: 2.85: 0.15, 1: 2.7: 0.3, 1: 2.55: 0.45, and 1: 2.4: 0.6 by weight. Assumed the fine sand to quarry dust ratio equal to 0.67 by weight and the water to cement ratio (W/C) equal to 0.5 by weight. The colored plastic bottle wastes were grinded through the sieve (10 mm of opening) and putted into the admixtures. The concrete mixer and compression machine were the instruments to produce the interlocking concrete paving blocks. The properties of interlocking concrete paving blocks were tested with the TIS. 827-1988 standard and related standards. According to the results at 28 days of curing, the 1: 2.85: 0.15 was the most suitable ratio of interlocking concrete paving blocks which passed the TIS.827-1988 standard. The proper amount of colored plastic bottle wastes can reduce the water absorption, density, surface temperature, and production cost of the interlocking concrete paving blocks. The developed interlocking concrete paving blocks can apply the colored plastic bottle wastes to use as the paving blocks with good strength and environment conservation.
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