Development of Roof Tiles Made from Palm Fibers and Typha Angustifolia L Fibers for Communities

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Nittaya padkoh
Kittisak Buasri
Prayoon Surin


The production of roof tiles from palm fiber and typha angustifolia L fibers for local communities : synthetic adhesive isocyanate resin (pMDI), volume 5% and 10% by weight was used as a binder with the density of the designated roof tiles 600 kg / m3 and the size of the sheets 300X320X15 mm. Physical properties tests showed the density value, moisture content, absorption, water tightness, Inflating and thickness. Mechanical properties: modulus of rupture resistance, elastic modulus resistance modulus and impact strength which used synthetic isocyanate resin 10% by weight to give better properties. The physical and mechanical properties within the standard criteria of TIS 876-2547, TIS 535–2556, JIS A 5908-2003 and ASTM D 256-06a. Thermal properties thermal conductivity and heat resistance were tested according to the standards of ASTM C 177-2010. It was found that using synthetic adhesive isocyanate resin where the adhesive content was 5% had better thermal conductivity while the synthetic adhesive isocyanates resin with 10% adhesives had better heat resistance. From the study, the roof titles can be used as construction and renewable materials instead of the ones from asbestos cement.

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How to Cite
padkoh, N., Buasri, K. ., & Surin, P. . (2020). Development of Roof Tiles Made from Palm Fibers and Typha Angustifolia L Fibers for Communities. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 18(1), 69–80. retrieved from
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