The Development of 3D Animation Cartoon to Promote the Integrity for Primary School Grade 4-6 Students
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The aim of this research is to 1) development of 3D animation cartoon “The Kid Hero” 2) study the perception of the sample audience to watch 3D Animation Cartoon “The Kid Hero” 3) Study the level of satisfaction of the sample audience to watch 3D Animation Cartoon “The Kid Hero”. The participants in this study of 30 people is primary school level 2, Thetsaban 1 Burapha Witthayakon School, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, Academic year 2016. Use Purposive Sampling. Specifically from students between the ages of 9 and 12. The 3D animation cartoon developed based on three stages : 1) pre-production 2) Production 3) Post-Production. The study found that 1) The quality of 3D Animation Cartoon “The Kid Hero”, overall quality At the highest level, the average was 4.73. 2) Perception of the sample from watching 3D Animation Cartoon at the highest level of awareness was 91.00 percent. 3) Satisfaction of the sample from watching 3D Animation Cartoon, overall satisfied At the highest level, the average was 4.72.
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