Application of Geo-informatics for Study Diversity the Plants of Apocynaceae in Phu Faek Forest Park, Kalasin Province
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This research aimed to 1) Applied Geoinformatics for study the diversity, density and distribution of Apocynaceae. 2) Spatial analysis and mapping the plants of Apocynaceae. The 50 temporary plots were laid out in this area by the size 40 X 40 meters. The results found plants of Apocynaceae. The 47 temporary plots, 12 species and can be divided into 2 types were followed by Perennial and Seedling. 1) Perennial 3 species. The most common was (Wrightia pubescens R. Br.) (Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham.) Wall.ex G.Don.) and (Alstonia scholaris). The numbers of trees was 437, 12 and 5 plants, respectively. The Importance Value Index (IVI) was 30.434, 1.133 and 0.593, respectively. 2) The 2 seedling types can be divided into 2 species follow by herbaceous plant (Dischidia minor (Vahl) Merr.) and (Hoya kerrii Craib.), the numbers of trees was 4 and 1 trees, respectively. And ivy plant (Aganonerion polymorphum Spire) (Aganosma marginate (Roxb.) G.Don) (Dregea volubilis (L.f.) Benth. ex Hook.f) (Alyxia reinwardtii Blume) (Albizia myriophylla Benth) (Ichnocarpus frutescens (L.) W.T.Aiton) and (Parameria laevigata (Juss.) Moldenke), the numbers of trees was 442, 113, 93, 44, 17, 2 and 1 trees, respectively.
The density analysis by using Kernel method. The results found that 1) the perennial (sapling and tree) had the highest value between 0.090 - 0.122, lowest value between 0.001 to 0.022 tree per square meter 2) the seedling as a perennial had the highest value between 0.066 to 0.087, lowest value between 0 to 0.014, tree per square meter. 3) the ivy plants had the highest value between 0.101 to 0.131, lowest value between 0 to 0.022 tree per square meter, and the density analysis by using IDW method. The results found that 1) the perennial (sapling and tree) had the highest value between 0.042 to 0.080, lowest value between 0 to 0.007 tree per square meter. 2) the seedling as a perennial had the highest value between 0.037 to 0.064, lowest value between 0 to 0.006 tree per square meter 3) ivy plants had the highest value between 0.065 to 0.116, lowest value between 0 to 0.011 tree per square meter.
The results of Analysis by using the Kernel Density technique will have reasonadle distribution with the data from colleeted in the field. When considering physical factors, the normalized difference water index (NDWI) was found that the Apocynaceae are present, in the value range 0.271 to 0.414. Which in the lowest humidity. The plants of the Apocynaceae have been discovered all across the mix-deciduous forest. The slopes faetor found the in ranging 10 to 20%. And the height faetor found that in range of 250 to 290 meters. The benefits of Apocynaceae there are many uses the cooking, herb and ornamented plant. Therefore very deserving of conservation.
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