The Student Geographic Information System for Support Consideration of Student Loans
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The aim of this research was to design, develop and assess efficacy and satisfaction of the student geographic information system for support consideration of student loan. The database system to support considerations of student loan and display student information, location on maps. The sample size in this study was determined by a random sampling consisting of 5 experts, professor and students in business computer program 120. The research results were as follows: the student geographic information system for support consideration of student loan is divided into three main 1) students manage of personal information, profile image, address and home image 2) professor can view student summary report in graph by province and student’s information via Google Maps and 3) administrator insert, update, delete information and all. The assess efficacy of the student geographic information system for support consideration of student loan from the experts were as follows: the system security, system usage and system function is also at highest level. The assess satisfaction of the professor and students with the student geographic information system for support consideration of student loan the results were as also at highest level.
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