The Development of Augmented Reality Technology Applications for Learning about Elements and Chemical Compounds
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In this research, the researchers propose using Augmented Reality (AR) technology to develop the atom of learning applications and the integration of atoms of chemical elements into compunds. The application promotes chemistry teaching to be more interesting. Students can understand more quickly and encourage learners to be effective. The creation of this AR technology application combines the atomic model of forty-four primary chemical elements and the integration of atoms into five molecules to create 3D animation. It is used application combine with the atomic data book and the combination of atom elements into a compound; the user needs to use it with a smartphone to scan at the booklet. The examinations of this research were evaluated with 33 students in grad 10 in Ban Klang Pittayakhom School. The results of the study showed that satisfaction with the content and content operations was the highest level ( = 4.3, S.D. = 0.66). Statisfation with models, animation, and sound, which results was the highest level (
= 4.22, S.D. = 0.70). Satisfaction with the use results was the highest level (
= 4.18, S.D. = 0.82). The satisfaction with the assessment of knowledge and benefits was at the highest level (
= 4.34, S.D. = 0.64). Moreover, the results of the post-test scores were greater than the pre-test scores. It can be concluded that this educational application has a considerable effeect on the development of learning about elements and chemical compounds for students.
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