The Development of Geographic Information Systems for Crop Cultivation and Food Production and Agricultural Tourism in Phetchaburi Province
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The objectives of this research were to: 1) Design and develop geographic information systems for the cultivation of plants and fruit trees for food production and agricultural tourism Phetchaburi Province. 2) Assess the quality of the geographic information system for the cultivation of plants and fruit trees for food production and agricultural tourism Phetchaburi Province. Tools and methods applied in the spiral model of system development life cycle (SDLC). The users of the information system consist farmers, agricultural district administrators, agricultural promotion officers, and local government administration who cultivate crops and fruit trees. Which from a simple random method in Phetchaburi Province. The research results were as follows: 1) The development of geographic information systems for crop cultivation and food production and agricultural tourism is at least 7 modules 28 functions. Showing geographical information, amount 3 base map is road route, provincial boundary and district boundary. The layer map shows the geographical position of plants and fruit trees. 10 layers are rice, bananas, coconuts, lemons, sugarcane, sugar cane, durian and vegetables. The map layer shows the geographical position of animal farms 4 layers (layers) are pigs, chickens, cows, and ducks. Map showing the position of plant and animal diseases 1 layer. Set the right for farmer, academic officers promoting agriculture, agricultural district/provincial administration and local administrative organizations to access different permissions. 2) The results of the quality evaluation of geographic information systems for crop and fruit plantation. To accuracy, easy understanding, has benefits for management and able to be used to manage. General users of farmers at high level (Mean = 3.523, S.D. = 1.061). The administrator of the agricultural academics was at a high level at the mean level (Mean = 3.628, S.D. = 1.016). The quality of use, report display and information presentation at high level (Mean = 3.514, S.D. = 1.078). And the overall quality in every aspect is at a high level (Mean = 3.562, S.D. = 1.050). Suggestions for data on each side of the plant that is diverse in each area. And implement a web chat.
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