Digital Literacy: Evolution, Definition, and Skills Synthesis
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The digital literacy is the ability of using both digital hardware and software to study, work, entertain, communicate and participate in creating as well as producing digital content. Thus, users should have analysis skills and digital content evaluation skills. Moreover, users should have responsibility and social ethics under the digital ecosystem. Therefore, to clearly understand the fundamental, the objective of article is to explain the evolution of the digital literacy, the meaning of the digital literacy and the synthesis of the digital literacy skills.
The results could be concluded that the digital literacy skills were comprised of 7 skills, as the following, (1) Accessing skill; the capacity to select and use the digital information technology appropriately. (2) Analysis skill; the capacity of reading and comprehending the content as well as the signals accurately. (3) Evaluation skills; the capacity of judging the quality and the benefit of the content from various sources. (4) Creative skills; the capacity to effectively create the content with the digital technology tools. (5) Communication skills; the capacity to appropriately select the channels to communicate the digital content to the target, under the digital environment. (6) Reflection skills; the capacity to express the opinion, the interaction and the content connection to others, and (7) Action-taking skills; the individual capacity to work and participate with others in sharing knowledge and properly solving problems that are benefit to the overall society.
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