Optimizing the Vehicle Routes of End Devices Installation for Internet Speed Test Platform Using the Hybrid OVRP-TSP Model

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Jirawat Naiyagongsiri
Norrarat Wattanamongkhol
Anirut Kantasa-ard


The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) Thailand has implemented a policy to evaluate the quality of Fixed Broadband (FBB) internet in response to numerous customer complaints across the country. One of the proposed solutions for assessing FBB internet quality involves installing end devices to test internet speeds with various internet service providers in the experimental area. However, due to the presence of many providers within the area, planning the vehicle routes for this mission is challenging, particularly given resource limitations. This paper proposes an approach to optimize the vehicle routes for the installation of internet speed test devices. The objective is to minimize the total transportation time, thereby reducing overall costs and carbon emissions. A hybrid OVRP-TSP (Open Vehicle Routing Problem - Traveling Salesman Problem) approach is introduced to address this challenge and is compared with the Clake-Wright Savings Heuristic, the Nearest Neighbor Heuristic, and existing methods. Furthermore, the hybrid OVRP-TSP is tested on 30 provider locations in the eastern region of Thailand. The results demonstrate that the hybrid OVRP-TSP provides the best solution across all measures (Total Time, Total Cost, and Total Emissions), while the other methods also yield efficient solutions compared to existing approaches.

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How to Cite
J. . Naiyagongsiri, N. . Wattanamongkhol, and A. Kantasa-ard, “Optimizing the Vehicle Routes of End Devices Installation for Internet Speed Test Platform Using the Hybrid OVRP-TSP Model”, ECTI-CIT Transactions, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 146–158, Jan. 2025.
Research Article


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