Identification of Glaucoma from Retinal Fundus Images using Deep Learning Model, MobileNet
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Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of permanent vision impairment and blindness everywhere in the world due to high intraocular stress inside the eyes. So, early and accurate detection is crucial for preventing irreversible vision loss. Manual recognition of Glaucoma is a difficult task that requires proficiency and a highly experienced person. Computer Aided Detection (CAD) techniques assist ophthalmologists in the detection of such ophthalmologic diseases by analyzing the retinal fundus images. Deep learning(DL) algorithms have accomplished exceptionally in various computer vision applications by giving them an apparent advantage over more traditional techniques by analyzing the retinal fundus images. In this paper, a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network, MobileNet, is used to detect Glaucoma in retinal fundus images by automatically extracting the features rather than manually classifying fundus images. Due to efficiency, speed of execution, accuracy, customizability, transfer learning, real-time applications and size of the architecture, MobileNet is proposed here. The DrishtiGS, EyePACS AIROGS-Light, BEH, REFUGE, sjchoi86- HRF, CRFO-v4, G1020, FIVES, and PAPILA datasets were utilized in this study. The suggested model is evaluated by significant factors such as accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, F1 score, and Confusion Matrix to examine the model's efficacy. These studies reveal the capability of the DL approach to classify Glaucoma from retinal fundus images and recommend that the suggested approach can assist ophthalmologists in a quick, correct, and dependable diagnosis of Glaucoma.
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