Development of an Autonomous Component Testing System with Reliability Improvement Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning

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Hoang Anh Phan
Van Tan Duong
Mai Nguyen Thi
Anh Nguyen Thi
Hang Khuat Thi Thu
Thang Luu Duc
Van Hieu Dang
Huu Quoc Dong Tran
Thi Thanh Van Nguyen
Thanh Tung Bui


This study evaluated computer vision-based models, including Histogram Analysis, Logistic Regression, Sift-SVM, and Deep learning models, in an autonomous testing system developed for smartphone camera modules. System performance was assessed in a practical factory setting with workers operating the system, and metrics such as processing time, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and defect rate were evaluated. Based on the results, the Sift-SVM model demonstrated the greatest potential for enhancing the reliability of the system with a processing time of 0.01578 seconds, a sensitivity of 99.811%, and a reduction in the failure rate to 1888 PPM. The study findings suggest that Sift-SVM has the potential to be practically applied in the industry, thus improving the speed and accuracy of automatic defect detection in manufacturing and reducing the defect rate.

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How to Cite
H. A. Phan, “Development of an Autonomous Component Testing System with Reliability Improvement Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning”, ECTI-CIT Transactions, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 64–75, Feb. 2024.
Research Article


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