SPARQL Query Optimizations for GPU RDF Stores
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The SPARQL query time optimization is one of the challenges for the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data store. Even though Graphic Processing Units (GPU) can be used to accelerate query processing, it has weaknesses from the GPU memory transfer overhead. In this work, we propose optimization techniques for the GPU RDF store. In particular, we present the query optimization technique, which results in a reduction in the memory transfer time. In particular, the first approach is to use an empty interval filter that considers the empty data range to eliminate unneeded data during the uploading process. Secondly, we provide the heuristic query execution planner for generating an execution plan which suits our GPU RDF store and the filter technique. Our experiments on the WatDiv benchmark show that the proposed methods perform well on benchmark queries. The total query processing time on GPU is improved on average by 30% compared to the random plan generators.
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