Visual SLAM Framework with Culling Strategy Enhancement for Dynamic Object Detection
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Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (visual SLAM or vSLAM) enables robots to navigate and perform complex tasks in an unfamiliar environment. Most visual SLAM techniques can operate effectively under a static environment where objects are stationary. However, in practical applications, the environment often consists of moving objects and is dynamic. Visual SLAM methods designed for the static environment do not perform well in the dynamic one. In this paper, we propose an additional process to enhance the performance of visual SLAM for a dynamic environment. Our proposed visual SLAM system for dynamic circumstances, based on ORB-SLAM2, combines the capabilities of dynamic object detection and background inpainting to reduce the effect of dynamic objects. The system can detect moving objects using both semantic segmentation and LK optical flow with the epipolar constraint method, and the localization accuracy can be improved in dynamic scenarios. Having a specific scene map allows inpainting the obscured background from such dynamic objects utilizing static information that occurs at previous views. Eventually, a semantic octomap is built, which could be applied for navigation and high-level tasks. The experiment was carried out on the TUM RGB-D dataset and real-world environment and implemented on Robot Operating System (ROS). The experimental results show that the Absolute Trajectory Error (ATE) reduce up to 98.03% compared with standard visual SLAM baselines. It can fully demonstrate that the proposed object detection process can detect movable objects and reduce the impact of dynamic objects in visual SLAM.
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